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28 Apr 2020, 11:19

Coronavirus in Russia: record amount of recoveries and eighth highest number of infections

In the past 24 hours, Russia has documented 6,411 cases of the novel coronavirus, which is the highest figure since the start of the epidemic

MOSCOW, April 28. /TASS/. Russia has reported the eighth highest number of COVID-19 cases in the world, beating Iran; however, the incidence of the virus in Russia is relatively low compared to other countries, and the growth rate of new infections continues to slow.

In the past 24 hours, Russia has documented 6,411 cases of the novel coronavirus, which is the highest figure since the start of the epidemic. To date, a total of 93,558 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Russia, with 8,456 patients having recovered from the virus. The country’s latest data indicates 867 fatalities nationwide.

According to recent data, Iran has documented 91,472 cases of infection. Tehran has not published the Tuesday statistics so far, however, in the past few days, the number of new reported cases has reached around 1,000 cases a day.

The daily increase in new cases in Russia has not surpassed 10% in the past week, reaching an average of 8.53% in the past seven days. Meanwhile, the growth rate last week came up to 14%. Currently, Russia has reported 64 cases of infection per 100,000 residents. This is a relatively low figure compared to Iran (112 cases per 100,000) or Turkey (136 per 100,000), which takes seventh place in overall cases of infection.

Russia has held 3.13 mln tests for COVID-19 so far, which covers over 2% of the population. This figure is higher than in the USA, where 1.7% of the population (5.6 mln people) have been tested so far.

Over 1,000 recoveries in past 24 hours

Nearly 3% of all those tested in Russia have been diagnosed with COVID-19. About three out of five of those tested exhibit symptoms of the disease: 18,400 out of 40,800 people who tested positive for the virus in the past week are asymptomatic. A relatively low death rate can be due to the fact that the infection is often detected at early stages. So far, Russia has reported 867 deaths from the novel coronavirus (0.93% of all those infected). Iran has reported 5,806 deaths (6.35% of those infected).

On Tuesday, Russia has documented a record number of daily recoveries: 1,110 patients. This is over 1.5 times higher that the previous record set on April 25 (682 recovered patients).

In the past seven days, a total of 4,583 people have recovered from the virus in Russia, with the total number of recoveries reaching 8,456. The recovery rate has surpassed 9% of all registered cases.

Coronavirus in Russian regions

Moscow has reported 3,075 cases of infection in the past 24 hours, compared to Monday’s 2,871. The number of those infected in the Russian capital has reached 48,426, with the growth rate slightly higher than the day before: 6.78% compared to 6.76%.

The growth rate in the Moscow Region has also slowed, where 523 people have been diagnosed with the novel coronavirus, compared to yesterday’s 638. About 10,231 people have tested positive for the virus in the Moscow Region.

Russia has documented a total of 2,813 cases in other regions in the past 24 hours, coming up to a total of 34,901 (37.3% of all cases in Russia). St. Petersburg and the Nizhny Novgorod Region have taken third and fourth places respectively, while Dagestan and the Murmansk Region have come in fifth and sixth with over 1,000 reported cases.