SIRIUS /Federal territory/. February 10. /TASS/. A space weather nanosatellite, developed by Sirius high school students, will be launched at the end of 2021. The test model has already passed the initial trials, the high school told TASS Wednesday.
"The small spacecraft of the CubeSat-3U format will be brought to the orbit in late 2021. Sirius’ own satellite will collect data on space weather for Moscow State University (MSU) scientists. The satellite was assembled by students at Sirius high school, under supervision of the ‘Space systems and remote Earth probing’ laboratory specialists," the high school press service said.
The test model has successfully passed trials on a vibration stand, withstanding vibration and shock loads on each of its axes, which corresponds to a satellite's launch by a carrier rocket. Once all tests are over, the nanosatellite will be delivered into space in a special container. The spacecraft will enter orbit at an altitude of about 500 to 1500 km, and will become a part of the small spacecraft group that tracks space weather for the scientists.
The designing of the satellite began more than one year ago; the initial model was developed by the high school graduates. Later, the project passed to the tenth grade students, who enrolled in this academic year.
"The project team includes nine people specializing in engineering and mathematics. They will have to improve the structure, to design and produce all elements of the satellite control and to prepare the spacecraft with the integrated charged particle detector for launch into space," the high school said.