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Financial stability strengthening is task for next year — Russian PM

Construction of modern infrastructure, in particular for the integration of new regions, is also among the main tasks, Mikhail Mishustin said

MOSCOW, November 23. /TASS/. Strengthening of financial stability and technological sovereignty of the country are among the key tasks for 2024, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said.

"People and improvement of quality of their life are in the basis of our plans. This is the unconditional priority of the state and all social commitments towards citizens will be honored in full scope," the Prime Minister noted. "The aid to families with children and issues of medicine and education development are in the focus. Strengthening of our financial stability and technological sovereignty are among the key tasks to be solved," he said.

Construction of modern infrastructure, in particular for the integration of new regions, is also among the main tasks, Mishustin added.