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Russian lawmaker points to attempts to legalize ‘international robbery’ at UN platform

A special session of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution to create an international register of damage that Russia allegedly inflicted on Ukraine

MOSCOW, November 15. /TASS/. Attempts are being made to legalize international robbery at the United Nations platform, Head of the Russian State Duma (the lower house of parliament) Foreign Affairs Committee Leonid Slutsky told TASS.

"It is another anti-Russian resolution that the West pushed through by arm-twisting and blackmail. In fact, attempts are being made within the UN to legalize barefaced international robbery. Neither the UN Charter nor other international laws authorize the UN General Assembly to demand reparations," he noted.

Slutsky emphasized that the document, which was "politicized, one-sided and absurd" from the legal standpoint, would sooner or later "boomerang on its authors." "Serbia has the right to demand reparations from NATO members for the damage they caused by bombing Belgrade and the destruction of the country’s statehood, as do Iraq, Libya and Syria. Let alone the damage caused by the economic terrorism that the collective West uses when imposing illegal sanctions, to the disadvantage of the UN," the Russian lawmaker stressed.

A special session of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution to create an international register of damage that Russia allegedly inflicted on Ukraine. The document also recognizes the need to establish a mechanism for reparations. The resolution was passed by a vote of 94 to 14 with 73 abstentions. Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said that the resolution was aimed at legalizing the seizure of the Russian assets that had been frozen by Western countries earlier.