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Kama considering promotion of Atom products in China — developer

Any automaker planning to be globally competitive should seriously consider the opportunity of entering the market of China, Igor Povarazdnyuk said

MOSCOW, June 26. /TASS/. Kama, the developer of the Atom electric vehicle, is exploring opportunities of Atom products promotion in China, CEO Igor Povarazdnyuk told TASS in an interview.

"We have already established technological presence in China, where about 200 specialists from Atom are working. We also have a significant number of technology partners and we were included into the list of projects of the Russia-China intergovernmental commission. We are developing gradually in the Chinese market and we are exploring with interest opportunities for promotion of our product there," the chief executive said.

This can be not merely export supplies but other partner models also, where a portion of production for the Chinese market takes place in China, the CEO noted. Furthermore, the company is also considering options of bringing program products to the Chinese market. "For example, a solution we are developing together with Kaspersky Lab may also draw attention of Chinese manufacturers," he said.

Any automaker planning to be globally competitive should seriously consider the opportunity of entering the market of China, Povarazdnyuk said.

Presence in China opens opportunities for further exports to Southeast Asian nations, the CEO noted. Markets of Middle Asia and the Middle East are promising also.

"We see electric car brands appeared in Saudi Arabia and in the UAE. IT technologies are developing proactively in this region; smart cities are being built with transport system integration and other innovations. Consequently our software solutions can invite attention of these countries," he said.
