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EU aid for Ukraine loses legitimacy together with Zelensky — French politician

According to the Ukrainian Constitution, Zelensky’s term as president expired on the night of May 21

PARIS, May 21. /TASS/. Financial aid and other types of support provided by the EU to Ukraine ceased to be legitimate after Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s term in office expired, Florian Philippot, leader of French political party Les Patriotes and former member of the European Parliament (MEP), said on X.

He noted that Zelensky’s five-year presidential term expired on May 20 and, from the point of view of democracy, he is no longer fulfilling his functions. Philippot also reiterated that the Ukrainian leader himself had canceled the election which was slated to be held in Ukraine this spring.

"We, the French, provide 300 mln euro monthly via the EU in addition to 3 bln euro Macron promised in February to send in 2024. We continue to send him (Zelensky - TASS) weapons and exacerbate the absurd war which should have ended long time ago if it wasn’t for NATO deliberately blocking the peace process! Zelensky is illegitimate and all our support is illegitimate and illegal. Not a single euro, no arms for Ukraine, let’s end support for the corrupt country and stop NATO!" he wrote.

According to the Ukrainian Constitution, Zelensky’s term as president expired on the night of May 21. Ukraine was expected to hold its presidential election in March but the vote was canceled because martial law is in effect in the country.

Meanwhile, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, it is up to Ukraine to resolve the problem of Zelensky’s legitimacy both politically and legally. Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev told TASS that in a bid to hold onto power, Zelensky is violating the laws of his own country. Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya noted that all mediators of the peace settlement in Ukraine must keep in mind that after May 20, signing any documents with Zelensky makes no sense.

Meanwhile, Peter Stano, EU Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, noted that the EU does not question Zelensky’s legitimacy, and spokesman for the UN secretary general Stephane Dujarric said that Zelensky remains the head of state for the UN.