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14 Jan 2022, 15:21

Israel cancels 3-day quarantine and follow-up PCR test for those vaccinated with Sputnik V

Apart from that, the Israeli authorities accept for consideration Russia-issued certificates of vaccination with Sputnik V as a booster dose

TEL AVIVI, January 14. /TASS/. Israel has canceled the obligatory three-day quarantine and follow-up PCR test for tourists inoculated with Russia’s Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine and has begun to consider Russian-issued certificates of the use of Sputnik Light as a booster jab, the Russian embassy to Israel said on Friday.

"A three-day mandatory quarantine and a follow-up PCR testing have been canceled. Thus, the period of obligatory self-isolation for tourists vaccinated with Sputnik V will be over upon the receipt of a positive serological and a negative PCR tests taken upon arrival at the airport and cannot exceed 24 hours," it said.

"Apart from that, the Israeli authorities accept for consideration Russia-issued certificates of vaccination with Sputnik V as a booster dose," it added.
