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31 Aug 2012, 22:55

Russia introduces recycling tax on new and used cars

Under the new law, the tax is to be paid on each vehicle either brought into Russia or manufactured in its territory

MOSCOW, September 1 (Itar-Tass) —— Amendments to the law on production and consumption wastes envisaging a special recycling tax on new and used cars is effective in Russia as of today.

Under the new law, the tax is to be paid on each vehicle either brought into Russia or manufactured in its territory. Exceptions are made for the private cars of refugees and resettlers returning home, the vehicles of diplomats and members of their families, vintage cars manufactured more than 30 years ago, and also motor vehicles brought into Russia from the members of the Customs Union.

One of the authors of the bill, first deputy chairman of the State Duma’s committee for industry, Vladimir Gutenyov, said that the purpose of the recycling tax is to protect the domestic market and preserve jobs in the domestic automobile industry after Russia’s admission to the WTO.

“The tax will put a firm obstruction in the way of used foreign vehicles that pose a threat not only to safety on the roads, but also to the ecological situation,” Gutenyov said. “Besides, such a measure will help preserve jobs in the Russian automobile industry and at many subcontractor enterprises that manufacture components. The domestic automobile producers will enjoy price preferences that will ensure their survival in the WTO and further development and ease social problems at factories and in regions.