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18 Dec 2017, 05:25

French baroness von Dreyer’s son receives Russian passport

French businessman Thomas Victor Barber de Dreyer, the son of Russian Baroness Irina von Dreyer, who was granted Russian citizenship on her 100th birthday, has received a Russian passport

PARIS, December 17. /TASS/. French businessman Thomas Victor Barber de Dreyer (Foma Victorovich von Dreyer), the son of Russian Baroness Irina von Dreyer, who was granted Russian citizenship on her 100th birthday, told TASS on Sunday he had received a Russian passport at the Russian embassy in Paris on Friday.

"I came to the embassy the day before yesterday [on Friday] to receive my passport. Emotions? My good man, I am overfilled with joy. Since my childhood, I have been hearing stories about Russia with the greatest delight," he shared his impressions.

He said the passport issuance procedure had not taken very long. "It took less than a year for all the formalities. As far as I understand, the passport issuance period was very short in my case," he noted. "I would like to say special thanks to President Vladimir Putin for paying such attention to my humble person."

According to Foma Victorovich, he has serious plans in Russia. "I want to visit Russia as soon as possible. Moreover, I want to buy a dwelling, invest my money and knowledge. I want to do my best to have my experience do good to Russia," he pledged.

He said he was looking forward the presidential election in Russia in March 2018 to discharge his civil duty and cast his vote for the first time. "I also want to come to Moscow in May to take part in an Immortal Regiment march [when participants carry photos of their family members or ancestors who fought on the frontlines of World War II or died in the battlefield - TASS] to pay homage to my uncle Georgy who fought. And I would like very much to attend the Victory Parade on Red Square," he said.

Foma Victorovich is a son of Baroness Irina von Dreyer who was born in Moscow in 1915 to the family of Russian Army General Vladimir von Dreyer who fought for the White Army against the Bolsheviks. The family had to flee to Crimea, the last stronghold of the Whites, to finally leave the peninsula by ship in 1920.

The von Dreyer eventually settled in Paris where it has been living ever since. The general died in 1967 and was buried in the Russian cemetery at Sainte-Genevi·ve-des-bois, near Paris.

Irina Vladimirovna celebrated her 100th birthday in 2015 a Russian citizen again.