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26 Oct 2017, 12:10

Putin urges tighter security for Russia’s internet without ‘total barriers and filters’

It is necessary to strictly observe and respect the constitutional law to receive and spread information, the Russian leader said

MOSCOW, October 26. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for tighter security for Russia’s internet without barriers and filters for law-abiding users. "It is necessary to enhance safety and stability of operation of Russia’s internet infrastructure," he said, speaking at a Russian Security Council meeting. "I’d like to stress that it does not mean restricting law-abiding citizens’ access to the global network resources, some total barriers or filters. It is necessary to strictly observe and respect the constitutional law to receive and spread information."

"Like in other democratic countries, we have to fight with those who use information space to propagate radical ideas and justify terrorism and extremism, as well as suppress any attempts to publish materials that threaten the security of our state, the society in general and individuals," the state leader stressed.

Putin noted that law enforcement authorities are revealing and suppressing the activities of terror group recruiters, including IS (Islamic State, a terror organization, outlawed in Russia), more often. "It is necessary to act equally strict under the law against other individuals and groups who are using the internet, information space for criminal purposes," the president added.

Threats in information space are growing

Threats in the cyber space are growing, while cyber attacks have become global, Putin said. "The level of threats in the information space is growing, the number of risks is increasing, while negative consequences of various cyber attacks are not local anymore, as they have reached a global scale," he pointed out.

As an example, the president referred to the WannaCry ransomware attack, which affected computers in 150 countries, including Russia. Putin pointed out that cyber attacks on state defense facilities, government agencies and financial institutions could have very grave consequences, as well as electronic data leakage.

"A number of countries have actually begun to use information technologies for military purposes, they are establishing cyber armies and are active on the information field seeking to weaken their rivals, promote their economic and political interests and achieving political tasks, particularly by taking advantage of the so-called soft power," Putin noted. In this connection, the Russian president pointed to the need to thoroughly assess the trends that existed in this sphere, foresee potential threats and outline timely responses to them.

Creation of world system of information security

Putin has called for stepping up efforts to create an international system of information security.

"Efforts should be stepped up to promote the creation of an international system of information security, promote cooperation with partners on the global and regional platforms, such as the United Nations, BRICS, the SCO, APEC, the CSTO, the CIS and others and hold inter-departmental consultations and talks," Putin said at a meeting of the Security Council on Thursday. "Apparently, by pooling efforts we will be able to resist modern threats more effectively."