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Russia’s Iskander missile systems hammer enemy fortified sites in Baltic drills

The drills involved over 100 personnel and 20 pieces of military and special hardware

KALININGRAD, June 28. /TASS/. Combat teams of Iskander tactical missile systems from the Baltic Fleet’s army corps delivered missile strikes against a notional enemy's fortified sites during the drills in Russia’s westernmost exclave of the Kaliningrad Region, the Fleet’s press office reported on Wednesday.

"The missile gunners advanced from their bases to a designated launch site where they equipped firing positions and conducted electronic sole and multiple launches against the targets simulating the notional enemy’s missile launchers, airfields, fortified installations and command posts," the press office said in a statement.

Data recording equipment registered direct hits at the targets and their destruction, it said.

During the drills, the Iskander combat teams also practiced operations under the conditions of terrain radioactive and chemical contamination and actions to repel an attack by a notional enemy’s subversive and reconnaissance group, the press office said.

The drills involved over 100 personnel and 20 pieces of military and special hardware, it said.

The Iskander-M theater missile system is designed to strike adversary low-sized and site targets from a range of up to 500 km: missile launchers, multiple launch rocket systems, long-range artillery, aircraft and helicopters at aerodromes, command posts and communications centers.