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Sanya Resort reclaimed 33 abandoned mines as part of city's landscaping project

Depending on the type of mine, the authorities used different techniques from restoring the natural terrain and ecological environment, to planting tree planting, excavation work and creating landscape parks

SUNY, Sept. 30. /TASS/. The municipal authorities of the southern Chinese resort of Sanya (Hainan province) have reclaimed 33 abandoned mines as part of a large-scale 'green city' project. This was reported by the Sanya Daily newspaper.

According to the newspaper, the project was approved in 2011 by the city's Forestry Department. Depending on the type of mine, the authorities used different techniques from restoring the natural terrain and ecological environment, to planting tree planting, excavation work and creating landscape parks. There are now golf courses in the grounds of some of the abandoned parks.

As an example, the publication cites a park near Qinnyanlu Street. Ten years ago, according to the newspaper, this place was an "open wound" of the city's ecological environment - there was an abandoned granite quarry there, and its dust would be blown to the surrounding areas of the city. After reclamation and reforestation, this former mining site has become one of the favorite places for local residents to walk.

These works have also had a positive impact on the city's ecological environment. In 2021, there was not a single day in Sanya when air quality did not meet environmental standards. And the average concentration of PM 2.5 particulate matter, which is the main source of smog, was 12 micrograms per cubic meter.
