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US intelligence agencies plan to use AI against undesirable countries

At the same time, according to Head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergey Naryshkin, the activities of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service are aimed exclusively at protecting Russia's interests

MOSCOW, June 22. /TASS/. US intelligence services are on the verge of using artificial intelligence (AI) as a tool against undesirable countries, Head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergey Naryshkin said in an interview with Rossiya-24 TV channel.

"The US intelligence services are already on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies as a tool for manipulating public consciousness in the countries that are undesirable to the United States. I would say that this could become a very serious problem for all mankind," he noted.

"In recent years, the CIA has ordered about 150 projects in the field of artificial intelligence, and the volume of investment is very large," Naryshkin added.

At the same time, according to him, the activities of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service are aimed exclusively at protecting Russia's interests. "We do not set tasks that are often done by our colleagues from the CIA. Our tasks do not include subversive activities against other states," Naryshkin said.