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New shipyard near Vladivostok to build 12 ships a year — United Shipbuilding Corporation

The future shipyard is designed to build ships for the Russian merchant fleet with a capacity of about 12 units per year, USC noted

VLADIVOSTOK, September 4. /TASS/. The new shipyard of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) near Vladivostok will be capable to build about 12 ships a year for the Russian merchant fleet, by the press service of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) told reporters.

"The site which is being developed on the instructions of the USC president within the limits of Vladivostok on the shore of Ussuri Bay meets all the basic requirements for the placement of such facilities: climatic conditions that allow for the maximum extension of the production period associated with operations on water, proximity to developed trade routes, developed industrial cooperation, including countries of the Asia-Pacific region, access to labor resources and the possibility of developing the necessary residential infrastructure for workers," the USC statement says.

The future shipyard is designed to build ships for the Russian merchant fleet with a capacity of about 12 units per year, USC noted. The production capacity of the new site will make it possible to build ships of various types - such as bulk carriers, tankers, container ships and gas carriers.

USC noted that the modern production infrastructure of the enterprise will allow for the full use of advanced shipbuilding technologies, including large-block construction. The working conditions will meet the highest requirements of comfort and safety, and the territory of the new shipyard will include administrative, household and training centers, as well as a rotational camp.

"The social infrastructure is designed to accommodate 30,000 people and includes kindergartens, schools, hospitals, hotels, shopping and entertainment and park facilities and a private beach with an embankment," USC says.

Earlier today, Russian President Vladimir Putin inspected the site for the new USC shipyard from a boat. As Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov reported, on the instructions of the President, VTB Bank and USC are working on the construction of a shipyard in the Far East region, which will specialize in the merchant marine fleet. According to Peskov, the presence of a second powerful enterprise in Primorye will accelerate substitution of foreign vessels in the structure of the merchant fleet and ensure Russia's economic sovereignty in the sphere of maritime trade.