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Minister: Defense centers, NSR ports should be recognized as Arctic backbone settlements

"Backbone would be regional capitals, the key NSR ports, centers of major investment projects, and defense centers," Alexey Chekunov added

MOSCOW, October 5. /TASS/. Defense and investment Arctic centers, key ports of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) and Arctic regional capitals should be listed as the Russian Federation Arctic Zone's backbone settlements, Russia's Minister for Development of the Far East and Arctic Alexey Chekunov posted on Telegram.

By November 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin expects a list of the Russian Federation Arctic Zone's backbone settlements, that is the towns and villages located in key places that are of strategic importance for the country.

"Backbone would be regional capitals, the key NSR ports, centers of major investment projects, and defense centers," the minister wrote. "Regardless of the population. Take for example Dixon, where 300 people live, and which plays a vital role for NSR, and on which over coming 10 years will depend more than 1 billion tons of cargo."

Neighboring settlements would be merged into agglomerations. "This way, we will form up the Russian Arctic's backbone structure," the minister added.

Earlier, Senator Andrey Shevchenko stressed that for the development of the Arctic of importance are the backbone points that are outside agglomerations and that may become attraction centers for adjacent territories. Their development should be supported by the state, and master plans should be based on local social and economic conditions and on work with businesses and residents.