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Russian envoy in Vienna says US attitude to Iran nuclear deal "businesslike and pragmatic"

"There are chances of getting ahead," Mikhail Ulyanov noted

MOSCOW, January 20. /TASS/. The US attitude to the Iran nuclear deal could be characterized as businesslike and pragmatic, as there are chances to move forward, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov said in a televised interview with Rossiya’24 news channel on Wednesday.

"In principle, both my colleagues and I liked the American partners’ attitude. It is quite businesslike and pragmatic which means that there are chances of getting ahead," he said.

When asked about the potential timeframe of the US return to the Iran nuclear deal, Ulyanov replied, "I’d say that we all urgently need that the first signs of normalization will appear in February, since under the law recently passed by Iran’s Majlis, unless progress is made, as early as on February 21 Tehran is to terminate the appliance of the Additional Protocol and the Safeguards Agreement it signed with the IAEA (the International Atomic Energy Agency - TASS), and that will dramatically reduce the chances of inspecting the state of affairs in Iran’s nuclear program."

Ulyanov recalled that Iran would hold the presidential election in June. Therefore, "the window of opportunity is very narrow," the Russian envoy to Vienna added.

Russia’s permanent envoy to the EU Vladimir Chizhov noted that the reinstatement of the United States’ participation in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on the Iranian nuclear program should not be coupled with any preconditions under the new administration of Joe Biden.

"[Antony] Blinken (Biden’s pick for Secretary of State - TASS) himself told the Senate hearings that Iran will first rejoin [the JCPOA] and then the US will start the procedure of returning. This is not an option. Similarly, it is not an option [to put forward] preconditions from any side. Let’s hope it will somehow work out," he noted.

On Tuesday, Blinken said that President Joe Biden would seek a "longer and stronger agreement" with Iran on the platform of the 2015 JCPOA, as well as a solution to Tehran’s missile program. He emphasized that Washington would consult with Israel and the Gulf states before taking steps over the Iran nuclear deal.