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Understanding of Russia's policy is growing in the world — diplomat

Maria Zakharova emphasized that every year brought more evidence of Russia's rightness in defending universal human values

ST.PETERSBURG, September 18. /TASS/. Most of the world’s countries begin to understand Russia's policy on the international arena, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on the sidelines of the fourth Eurasian Women's Forum.

"In many respects the things Russia says sounded so ground-breaking 5-10 years ago that many people could hardly believe in them and thought that we were just having some problems in mutual understanding with the West. With each year passing by, most of the world begins to understand: what Russia is saying is not an attempt of self-protection in its opposition to the West. What Russia is saying is a reality and an attempt to prevent a catastrophic development in the form of world confrontation, dehumanization, or another ideology based on some kind of segregation," she pointed out.

Zakharova emphasized that every year brings more evidence of Russia's rightness in defending universal human values. "It is an endless attempt to cancel everything traditional, established as apparent achievements of civilization and to substitute it with a perverted perception of reality. Everyone is seeing this today, but we said about it 10 years ago. Therefore, most of the world looks at Russian foreign policy and Russian position on the international arena with ever-increasing attention," the diplomat continued.

"Through collective efforts and understanding that there are true values, not the alleged chimeras constantly inculcated in us, we have come to an obvious conclusion: we cannot be canceled, ignored, or isolated. I suggest that we remember the mentioned experience we went through, the way we were made to believe in the non-existent. And that we proved to everyone by our deeds, our position, our principled attitude to upholding true values, both our own and universal - proved that we existed, we do exist now, and it will remain so," Zakharova said.

TASS is the general information partner of the fourth Eurasian Women's Forum. The organizers are the Federation Council of Russia’s Federal Assembly and the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS member states.