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Kremlin calls anyone claiming Russia interfering in Turkish election 'liars'

In general, according to Dmitry Peskov, Russia "very, very much values bilateral relations with the Republic of Turkey"

MOSCOW, May 12. /TASS/. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied rumors about Russia interfering in the presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey, calling anyone who spreads such information a liar.

Earlier, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, Turkey's presidential candidate for the opposition and leader of the Republican People’s Party, published a post on Twitter in Russian, calling on the country not to interfere in the election.

"We strongly reject such statements, we officially declare that there is no interference. If someone provided such information to Mr. Kilicdaroglu, then they are liars, that's all I can say," Peskov told reporters on Friday.

In general, according to the spokesman, Russia "very, very much values bilateral relations with the Republic of Turkey." "Because it [Turkey] has so far taken a very responsible, sovereign and thoughtful position on a whole range of regional and global problems that we face," the official added. "And this position is very much to our liking," he pointed out. "As a country that values bilateral relations, it will especially make sure not do anything against its partner," Peskov concluded.

"We have repeatedly said and continue to insist that we do not interfere in the domestic affairs and electoral processes of other countries," he stressed. According to Peskov, Kilicdaroglu "should recall what the Americans have done." "They spent tens of millions of dollars on investigations and then came to the conclusion that there was no interference," the Kremlin spokesman emphasized.