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Russian forces down Ukrainian Su-25 ground attack aircraft in Zaporozhye area

It is reported that the Ukrainian combat aircraft was shot down by the team of a Russian Buk anti-aircraft missile system

MELITOPOL, April 20. /TASS/. Russian forces shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 ground attack plane in the Zaporozhye Region, Vladimir Rogov, chairman of the We Are Together with Russia public movement, said on Thursday.

"In the Zaporozhye Region, the Ukrainian Air Force lost yet another Su-25 plane. The search for the pilot is underway," the regional official wrote on his Telegram channel. The Ukrainian combat aircraft was shot down by the team of a Russian Buk anti-aircraft missile system, he specified.

Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on April 19 that Russian air defense forces had shot down a Ukrainian Air Force Su-25 ground attack plane over Ugledar in the Donetsk People’s Republic in the past day.

In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 411 Ukrainian warplanes, 228 helicopters, 3,776 unmanned aerial vehicles, 415 surface-to-air missile systems, 8,732 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,089 multiple rocket launchers, 4,619 field artillery guns and mortars and 9,617 special military motor vehicles since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine, Konashenkov reported.