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Medvedev believes Ukraine’s political regime must be dismantled

The politician stressed that he was expressing his personal position

MOSCOW, October 10. /TASS/. The deputy chief of Russia’s Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, has said that Ukraine’s current political regime must be dismantled as a threat to Russia.

"The Ukrainian state in its current configuration, with its Nazi political regime, will pose a constant, direct and clear threat to Russia. Therefore, in addition to providing protection for our people and defending the country's borders, the goal of our future actions, in my opinion, should be the complete dismantling of Ukraine’s political regime," Medvedev said on his Telegram channel on Monday.

He stressed that he was expressing his personal position.

In a brief comment on the strike with long-range high-accuracy weapons on energy and military command and communications facilities in Ukraine, Medvedev remarked that "episode one is over."

"More will follow," he promised.