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Bonduelle applies for new trademark in Russia, regulator confirms

According to the publication, the French company already has a trademark with the name "Bonduelle" in Cyrillic, which was registered in Russia in 2003 and is valid until 2031, but the application filed in June 2024 implies a new design

MOSCOW, June 25. /TASS/. French company Bonduelle, which sells canned and frozen vegetables, has applied to the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) to register a new trademark in Russian, according to the files of the regulator’s database.

As follows from the documents, the application was filed on June 17, 2024.

Earlier, Shopper's reported about the company’s plans to register a new trademark in Russian.

According to the publication, the French company already has a trademark with the name "Bonduelle" in Cyrillic, which was registered in Russia in 2003 and is valid until 2031, but the application filed in June 2024 implies a new design.

In November 2022, the company's general director, Guillaume Desbrosse, said that the company is not yet leaving Russia, because it considers it important to continue to provide food to people not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other countries that receive products produced in Russia.