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Russia, China to strengthen contacts through banks — Putin

Moscow and Beijing also consider rehabilitation of global economic institutions, including WTO, G20 and APEC, necessary, the president said

BEIJING, May 16. /TASS/. Moscow and Beijing will strengthen contacts through banks, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, adding that their mutual investments are reliably protected from third countries.

"Mutual trade and investments [between Russia and China] are reliably protected from the influence of third countries and the negative trends on global forex markets," he told reporters following the talks between the two countries in Beijing.

"We have reached an agreement that Russia and China will continue strengthening contacts through credit organizations, actively involving national payment systems for serving our economic operators," Putin added.

Moscow and Beijing also consider rehabilitation of global economic institutions, including WTO, G20 and APEC, necessary, the president said.

"Our countries favor rehabilitation of global economic management, reforming and depoliticizing of multisided institutions, such as the World [Trade] Organization, G20, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum," he said.