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Russia declares ten Norwegian diplomats personae non gratae — Foreign Ministry

It is noted that the Norwegian envoy was also presented with a decisive protest over Oslo’s decision to expel 15 Russian diplomats

MOSCOW, April 26. /TASS/. Moscow declared ten employees of Norwegian embassy and military attache’s office personae non gratae as a reciprocal measure, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Norwegian Ambassador to Russia Robert Kvile was summoned to the Foreign Ministry and presented with the corresponding note Wednesday.

"Robert Kvile was presented with a note on declaration of ten representatives of Norwegian embassy and military attache’s office in Moscow personae non gratae as a reciprocal measure," the Ministry said.

The Foreign Ministry stated that other measures towards Norwegian representatives will follow. In particular, Moscow may impose restrictions on recruitment of Russian nationals as diplomatic mission staff.

The Ministry noted that the Norwegian envoy was also presented with a decisive protest over Oslo’s decision to expel 15 Russian diplomats.

"This hostile step has exacerbated the situation in bilateral relations that are already at a critically low level," the Foreign Ministry added.