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Russia supports efforts by African community in resolving Niger crisis — Foreign Ministry

"We think that swiftly restoring legal order and organizing an inclusive national dialogue is the only path to a settlement," Alexey Zaitsev added

MOSCOW, August 9. /TASS/. Russia is supportive of mediation efforts of the African community to resolve the crisis in Niger which can be accomplished diplomatically, Alexey Zaitsev, deputy director of the Information and Press Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said at a briefing.

"We are supporting the mediation efforts made by the African community in order to assist the Nigeriens in finding a way out of the current crisis," he said. "We hope that mutually acceptable decisions can be found within the framework of ECOWAS’ further diplomatic efforts on Niger," the diplomat added.

According to him, Russia closely monitors the situation in Niger. "We think it highly important to prevent any further escalation of tensions in Niger," Zaitsev noted. "We think that swiftly restoring legal order and organizing an inclusive national dialogue is the only path to a settlement," he added.

On July 26, military rebels in Niger announced the removal of President Mohamed Bazoum, closure of national borders, introduction of a curfew and suspension of the constitution, as well as a ban on political parties. On July 28, they declared that General Abdourahmane Tchiani had become head of state. During the coup, Tchiani headed the presidential guard, units of which physically seized President Bazoum and continue to hold him.

On July 30, at a summit in the Nigerian capital of Abuja, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) condemned the Niger coup and gave the mutineers a week to restore constitutional order, threatening to take measures up to and including military intervention.