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25 Dec 2020, 22:04

No allergic reactions from Sputnik V vaccine recorded — developer

About 700,000 Russians have already been vaccinated with Sputnik V

MOSCOW, December 25. /TASS/. No severe allergic reactions to the Russian vaccine Sputnik V have been documented during clinical trials or after the vaccine was released into civil circulation, Alexander Gintsburg, Director of the Gamaleya National Research Center (which developed Sputnik V), said in a televised interview with Rossiya’24 news channel on Friday.

"No allergenic reactions to the Sputnik V vaccine were documented during clinical trials - Phases One, Two and Three - as well as during its civil circulation," he said commenting on the reports about allergic reactions developed by seven Americans after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine produced by the US company Pfizer.

Gintsburg added that about 700,000 Russians had been vaccinated with Sputnik V.

"The Health Ministry alongside Roszdravnadzor (the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare) monitor side effects very strictly," he assured.

Earlier, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said that they were probing at least five cases of allergic reactions to the vaccine approved by the regulator. According to FDA experts, polyethylene glycol, which is one of the ingredients in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines, could cause allergic reactions. Afterwards, the number of cases grew to seven.