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Dangerous personal ambitions of Israeli politicians may fuel regional war — Lavrov

Neither Hezbollah, nor the government of Lebanon, nor Iran are seeking an all-out war, Russian Foreign Minister said

UNITED NATIONS, July 17. /TASS/. Lebanon is not interested in waging an all-out war, but dangerous personal ambitions of certain circles in Israel may fuel a major conflict in the region, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a press conference in the United Nations after taking part in Security Council meetings as chairman.

"Neither Hezbollah, nor the government of Lebanon, nor Iran are seeking an all-out war. There is a suspicion that this is exactly what certain circles in Israel have been trying to do - to trigger a large-scale all-out war hoping to embroil the United States into it," the minister said, commenting on the possibility of escalation on the Israeli-Lebanese border.

"I’m convinced that these plans are most dangerous, putting personal ambitions above interests of their own people, as well as of other peoples in the region," he added.

In mid-June, the Israeli army approved an operational plan for an offensive in Lebanon. The Israeli authorities, following their operation against the radical Palestinian Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip, expect to simultaneously strike Hezbollah forces, which, like Hamas, operate against Israel, regularly shelling the territory of the Jewish State. Since October 2023, the Israeli army strikes against Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon have intensified.