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Efforts going well to remove Taliban from list of banned groups in Russia — diplomat

Earlier, Zamir Kabulov said that the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Justice Ministry had reported to the president that the Taliban could be removed from the list of banned organizations

MOSCOW, July 9. /TASS/. Efforts to remove the Taliban (banned in Russia) from the list of banned organizations in Russia are going well, said Zamir Kabulov, Russian president's special representative for Afghanistan.

Asked when the Taliban could be removed from the list, Kabulov, who is also director of the Foreign Ministry's Second Asia Department, replied, "When all procedures are completed. They are still going on."

When asked whether the procedures are going well, he said, "Of course."

Earlier, Kabulov told TASS that the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Justice Ministry had reported to the president that the Taliban could be removed from the list of banned organizations. Later, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the proposal to potentially remove the Taliban from the list of terrorists reflects objective reality.