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West already heard Putin's words about possible arming of its opponents — Kremlin

When asked whether it would be revealed to whom the Russian weapons would be delivered, Dmitry Peskov said that Russia "is not obliged to do so"

STRELNA, June 6. /TASS/. The addressees of Russian President Vladimir Putin's statement about the possibility of supplying weapons to the West's opponents have ‘already heard’ everything, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporter Pavel Zarubin.

According to him, the wide dissemination of Putin's words in the media indicates that the West "has already heard this, probably one of the most important statements that the president made yesterday." "This statement is clear, unambiguous, easily read by everyone. And it has been read," Peskov added. "As the president said, we, our position, will be reckoned with. And we will not compromise our interests," the spokesman emphasized.

When asked whether it would be revealed to whom the Russian weapons would be delivered, Peskov said that Russia "is not obliged to do so."

The Russian leader said on Wednesday at a meeting with representatives of leading foreign media on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) that Moscow was considering a response to the supply of weapons to Kiev for strikes against Russia. According to Putin, a possible option would be a similar supply to those regions of the world from which "sensitive strikes" could be launched against the facilities of Western countries.