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Bitriver to launch 100 MW datacenter in Buryatia this year — CEO

This is the largest facility built from scratch among all datacenters in the country

VLADIVOSTOK, September 6. /TASS/. Bitriver will launch a datacenter with the 100 MW capacity in Buryatia by the end of this year, CEO of the Russian largest operator of mining centers Igor Runets told TASS on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum.

"Bitriver will start the datacenter with the capacity of 100 MW in the Far East by the end of this year within the framework of the Buryatia Advance Development Territory. Investments of the company in the project are above 1.5 bln rubles ($16.7 mln). This is the largest facility built from scratch among all datacenters in the country," the chief executive said.

About 120 professionals will work in the datacenter, Runets noted. Particular attention will be paid to implementing the program for young staff growth in the high-technology industry.

Bitriver plans to continue launching new high-technology datacenters in various Russian regions, create new jobs and enter new markets, the chief executive added.