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First stage of sea terminal on Taymyr due in 2024

Under the project to develop the Syradasay field, the Severnaya Zvezda Company will create the West Taimyr industrial cluster to produce coal concentrates, the documents read

KRASNOYARSK, October 16. /TASS/. The first stage of a coal sea terminal on the Taymyr Peninsula (the Krasnoyarsk Region's north) is planned to be built in 2024. The construction is a part of the project to develop the Syradasay coal deposit, read documents related to the regional budget for 2024 and for the period 2025-2026.

In April, the state certifying authority, Glavgosexpertiza, issued a permission to organize a water area to receive and serve cargo vessels and icebreakers on the Taymyr. The coal terminal will be located near Dikson, Russia's northernmost port.

Under the project to develop the Syradasay field, the Severnaya Zvezda Company will create the West Taimyr industrial cluster to produce coal concentrates, the documents read. The project is in an active construction phase, the coal terminal's first stage is planned to be commissioned in 2024.

The project to build a cargo berth at one of the world's largest coal deposits is among priority investment projects in the Arctic zone. It is supported by the Russian government. The navigation to ship coal from the deposit may be year-round if vessels are led by icebreakers.

The project to develop the Syradasay coal deposit is being implemented as a part of a future coal cluster on the Taymyr Peninsula. With the investments of more than 33 billion rubles ($339 million), it is the largest project in the Krasnoyarsk Region's Arctic zone. During the deposit's development, the company will create an open-pit coal mine with an annual capacity of 5 million tons at the first stage and 10 million tons at the second stage. Severnaya Zvezda will build an enrichment plant, the Yenisei seaport, a highway, a shift settlement, a power plant, and an airfield.