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Russian troops employ silhouette-blurring stealth suits in Ukraine operation — designer

The suits are designed to hide troops from enemy thermal imaging systems, the tech firm HiderX specified

MOSCOW, May 24. /TASS/. Russian troops are using about 600 latest silhouette-blurring invisible suits in the special military operation in Ukraine, the tech firm HiderX told TASS on Friday.

"We began with 25 suits that we handed out to Russian troops for testing. Now about 600 of our camouflage 'invisible suits' that blur a human silhouette are employed in the special operation area. A group of servicemen in the Kharkov direction also wear our suits. Camouflage suits are used in all the frontline areas of the special operation," the tech firm said.

The suits are designed to hide troops from enemy thermal imaging systems, HiderX specified.

"Our suits - camouflage cloaks and camouflage coats - operate well regardless of the season. The gear is suitable for daily camouflaging but its main goal is to hide a soldier from thermal imagers at night. The cloak hides both the soldier and the weapons he carries because an assault rifle is also seen through a thermal imager," the tech firm said.

A stealth suit has a weight of up to 400 grams.