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Switzerland summit outcome statement not to include demand for troops withdrawal — TV

The outcome statement is expected to reflect the issue of security of nuclear power plants and food security, NHK reported

TOKYO, June 11. /TASS/. The joint outcome statement of the summit in Switzerland’s Buergenstock will not include a demand for withdrawal of Russian troops due to the position of a number of countries that assign high importance to their relations with Russia, NHK reported. According to the TV channel, the draft document will only include 3 out of Zelensky’s 10-point plan.

The outcome statement is expected to reflect the issue of security of nuclear power plants and food security, liberation of captives and return of children that Russia has been accused of abducting and has repeatedly denied all allegations.

The document also underscores that, involvement of all sides is necessary in order to achieve peace; it points out the importance of Russia’s participation in discussions on this matter.

An NHK diplomatic source explained the absence of clauses that Kiev insists on by the position of a number of developing Asian and Middle Eastern countries that assign high importance to their relations with Russia. Zelensky made it his priority to achieve an accord with all participants of the meeting with Switzerland and to develop a joint statement, the TV channel notes. Overall, representatives of 90 nations and international organizations are expected to attend the meeting, which will take place on June 15-16.