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EU summit reaffirms commitment to providing military support to Ukraine — statement

The European Union views missile strikes on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure as "a crime for which there can be no impunity" and which "must stop

BRUSSELS, December 17. /TASS/. Participants in a European Union summit in Brussels reaffirmed their commitment to providing military support to Ukraine, according to a final statement.

"The European Union remains committed to providing political and military support to Ukraine, notably through the European Peace Facility and the EU Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine, and by stepping up the bilateral provision of support, in particular air defense capacities and demining assistance," the statement reads.

The European Union views missile strikes on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure as "a crime for which there can be no impunity" and which "must stop." "The European Council calls on all international partners to make similar calls and exert their influence to this end," the document added.

The EU will "urgently intensify the provision of humanitarian and civil protection assistance to Ukraine, including in kind, and assist in the restoration of Ukraine’s critical infrastructure to help Ukraine get through the winter."

"The European Council also invites the Commission to intensify coordination with European industry and international partners to provide a sustainable supply of priority equipment to Ukraine such as mobile heating stations, power generators, power transformers, and high-voltage and lighting equipment," the statement added.

In addition, the European Union agreed to provide 18 bln euros of assistance to Ukraine in 2023.