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Seizure of Russian assets to sponsor Kiev exposes Geneva forum’s goal — diplomat

"More countries will now see what it is about," Kirill Logvinov said

MOSCOW, May 24. /TASS/. The real goal of the so-called peace conference on Ukraine in Switzerland due in mid-June is to legalize the seizure of revenues from Russian assets to finance weapons for Ukraine, a Russian diplomat said.

"These revenues will go to finance the hybrid war against Russia, to finance further escalation of the conflict in Ukraine," Russia’s Permanent Representative to the European Union Kirill Logvinov said in an interview with the Rossiya-24 television channel. "And this happened when the EU is seeking to drag as many third countries as possible to attend the so-called peace conference in Switzerland scheduled for June 15 and 16. I think that more countries will now see what it is about."

He slammed the European Union’s statements that it is sincerely interested in a political and diplomatic settlement of the conflict as empty words.

The world community should "see it with its own eye that the European Union is capable of stealing sovereign assets of foreign states," the Russian diplomat stressed. "Today, this is Russia and tomorrow it may be any country which thinks it more important to defend its national interests than to be part of the fictious rule-based order.".