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China opposes inciting new Cold War — embassy

The NATO countries said in the final declaration of their summit in Washington on July 10 that China should stop material and political support for Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, as well as cut off exports of dual-use goods to Russia

WASHINGTON, July 11. /TASS/. The Chinese authorities oppose attempts by the North Atlantic Alliance countries to use regional crises to vilify China and foment a new Cold War, spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the US Liu Pengyu told TASS, commenting on the final declaration of the NATO summit in Washington.

"China firmly opposes NATO using issues related to regional hotspots to vilify China and fuel a new Cold War," he said. "NATO should immediately stop making baseless accusations and provocative statements against China, abandon outdated [Cold War] thinking, [based on the principle of] a zero-sum game, misguided obsession with military power and attempts to achieve absolute security, and dangerous actions that plunge Europe and the Asia-Pacific region into chaos. They should do something good for the security and stability of Europe and the world," the expert added.

In addition, the diplomat continued, "China is responsible and transparent on issues related to cyber, space and nuclear weapons, and its position on this is supported by most countries." "China is committed to peaceful development and a national defense policy with protection at its core. We remain committed to peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and the world, and we do not pose a threat to any country. It is simply foolish to inflate the so-called Chinese threat," Liu Pengyu concluded.

The NATO countries said in the final declaration of their summit in Washington on July 10 that China should stop material and political support for Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, as well as cut off exports of dual-use goods to Russia.