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Belarusian air defenses register increased number of Ukrainian drones

The situation in the airspace is tense

MINSK, June 29. /TASS/. The Belarusian Air Force and air defenses have reported a tense situation in the country’s airspace amid increased flights of Ukrainian drones, said Colonel Andrey Severinchik, Chief of the Air Defense Missile Forces of the Air Force and Air Defense Command of Belarus' Armed Forces.

"We have lately been registering a sharp increase in flights of unmanned aerial vehicles conducting reconnaissance in border areas of the Republic of Belarus. The situation in the airspace is tense. The state border in our airspace is being violated constantly," he said.

Another senior Belarusian military officer said tensions are rising on the Belarus-Ukraine border.

"We have received reports of Ukraine amassing troops, weapons and military equipment along our border. In particular, US-made infantry fighting vehicles, multiple rocket launchers and heavy artillery systems have been deployed to the Zhitomir Region," Vadim Lukashevich, deputy chief for ideology at the Special Operations Command of the Belarusian Armed Forces, said.