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Ukraine ignores strategic context of new world order, says opposition politician

Being dependent on the United States and Europe, Ukraine has "an absolutely commodity-based economic structure, a budget and debt crisis, multimillion migration and record-high unemployment," Viktor Medvedchuk said

MOSCOW, October 19. /TASS/. Ukraine, being absolutely dependent on the West, sees no changes in the world order and ignores its strategic context, thus harming its own national interests, Viktor Medvedchuk, the former leader of the Opposition Platform - For Life party, now banned in Ukraine, has said.

"Instead of developing cooperative ties with Russia and Asian countries, something the public movement Ukrainian Choice and the party Opposition Platform-For Life have systematically called for, the Ukrainian authorities have ruined Ukraine’s shipbuilding, machine building, aviation and rocket and space industries in just one decade and reduced to nothing the country's industrial production," said Medvedchuk, who now leads the Other Ukraine movement.

Being dependent on the United States and Europe, Ukraine has "an absolutely commodity-based economic structure, a budget and debt crisis, multimillion migration and record-high unemployment," Medvedchuk said in his column on the platform

"This is the real price that the Ukrainian economy and people are now paying for the choice artificially imposed by the West, ignoring the strategic context of the new world order," he pointed out.

Medvedchuk said "it was Russia and China that have managed to go beyond the template framework established by the West, diversifying the vector of the seemingly alternative scenario, contrasting their own interests with the system of the Anglo-Saxon world order that has lost its power."

The 3rd Belt and Road forum was held on October 17-18 in Beijing precisely "in the conditions of a paradigm shift in the global world order, the end of the US and EU hegemony, and against a background of expanding geo-economic fragmentation," Medvedchuk said.

The undeniable advantage of the ongoing changes, he believes, is "the achievement of a new level in economic integration, tapping the full versatility of the technological potential of Asian countries in order to increase competitiveness in the global competition."

"The fundamental result of the Beijing Forum is the final end of the world hegemony of the United States and the European Union, transition to multipolarity and a return to systemic polycentricity," Medvedchuk believes.