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Russia, Uzbekistan to adopt cultural cooperation program — presidential press service

The republic's ambassador to Moscow Botirjon Asadov told TASS that the two countries have expanded cooperation in various cultural and humanitarian areas in recent years, reaching a new level of interaction

TASHKENT, May 27. /TASS/. Russia and Uzbekistan will adopt a program of cultural cooperation during Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Tashkent, Uzbek leader Shavkat Mirziyoyev's press service reported following a meeting with the Russian leader.

"The parties praised the development of multifaceted cultural and humanitarian exchanges. A program of cultural cooperation will be adopted during the visit," the statement on the presidential website reads.

The republic's ambassador to Moscow Botirjon Asadov told TASS that the two countries have expanded cooperation in various cultural and humanitarian areas in recent years, reaching a new level of interaction. More than 30 events of the Russian Seasons project were successfully held in the republic in 2023, including educational master classes, film screenings, theater performances and exhibitions. Last year, the "Lazgi. Dance of Soul and Love" ballet performance was held with dancers from the National Ballet of Uzbekistan. In May, Director of the Department of Cinematography and Digital Development of the Russian Ministry of Culture Dmitry Davidenko reported that Moscow and Tashkent planned to sign an agreement on working together in the film industry.