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Roscosmos to do everything possible for crew’s safe return to Earth — space agency chief

On December 15, a drop in pressure in the Soyuz MS-22 manned spacecraft’s external cooling loop was recorded as Russian cosmonauts were preparing for their scheduled spacewalk

MOSCOW, December 20. /TASS/. Roscosmos will do everything possible for the safe return of the Russian crew aboard the International Space Station to Earth after an emergency on the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft docked to the orbital outpost, Roscosmos Chief Yury Borisov said during a communications session with cosmonauts on Tuesday.

"We will do everything possible to ensure your safety and your normal safe landing and return to Earth," the Roscosmos head said during the talks with the crew broadcast live by NASA.

The Roscosmos chief also wished the Russian crew members a pleasant continuation of the orbital flight, good health and a good mood.

On December 15, a drop in pressure in the Soyuz MS-22 manned spacecraft’s external cooling loop was recorded as Russian cosmonauts were preparing for their scheduled spacewalk. A visual inspection of the spacecraft from the orbital outpost confirmed the coolant leak, which cancelled the spacewalk.

As the Russian space agency reported, Roscosmos flight controllers conducted a series of tests of the Soyuz MS-22 spaceship’s systems, including a test of its propulsion control system that involved short-term activation of its berthing and attitude thrusters. The tests revealed that there were no other faults found.

On December 18, the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft’s external surface was inspected with the help of cameras aboard the space station. The analysis of the data transmitted to Earth helped detect a potential leak in the spacecraft’s instrumentation/equipment compartment. According to preliminary data, the damage could have been caused by a micrometeoroid or space debris striking the external cooling loop on the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft’s instrumentation/equipment compartment.

The situation aboard the Russian segment of the International Space Station is acceptable and the temperature in the docked Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft with the damaged coolant is about 27 degrees Celsius, Roscosmos cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev said on Tuesday.

"Now the situation aboard is quite acceptable and the temperature everywhere is excellent and quite comfortable. Inside the spaceship, it is about plus 27 degrees Celsius. The crew feels splendidly and periodically we hold tests inside," Prokopyev said during the communications session with Roscosmos Head Borisov broadcast live by NASA.

As the cosmonaut said, the crew practiced such emergencies during preparations for the orbital flight.

"For us, everything proceeds in the way that we practiced on Earth," he added.