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Russian diplomat dubs Zelensky’s plan as 'collection of incoherent slogans'

Maria Zakharova stressed that the Ukrainian president is using his plan to push NATO toward a direct conflict with Russia

MOSCOW, October 16. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova described the so-called plan of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, which he presented to the country’s legislature, as a collection of incoherent slogans.

"This is, of course, no plan at all. It is a collection of incoherent slogans. It is blood foam at the mouth of a neo-Nazi murderer," she said at a news conference.

According to the diplomat, the plan has five points, including a deployment of comprehensive non-nuclear strategic deterrence forces in Ukraine, along with stronger sanctions against Russia. The plan also stipulates that after the conflict, Ukrainian soldiers could use their experience to strengthen NATO's defense in Europe.

"It is another hysteria about Ukraine's invitation to NATO, which from Zelensky's point of view should be, as he said, a sign of determination and would show how partners see Ukraine in the security architecture. I can just tell Zelensky this, if he has no clue: The partners of the Kiev regime have already demonstrated how they see Ukraine in the security architecture. They see Ukraine six feet under and Ukrainian people in their graves as well," she said.

According to Zakharova, Zelensky is using his plan to push NATO toward a direct conflict with Russia.

"The next point is to strengthen Ukrainian defense. This is something Zelensky is going to achieve, as he said, by pinpoint operations in certain places. Why did he shy away from naming these certain places? How does he want to achieve this? Through inflicting damage to Russian aircraft together with his partners. That means he is pushing NATO to a direct conflict with our country and again insists on getting permission to use long-range weapons for strikes inside Russian territory, knowing full well, or at least those who wrote him this speech realized what it would lead to, because statements to that effect were made by the Russian leadership literally a week ago," the diplomat went on to say.

"Taken as a sum, all these points and secret sub-clauses are not Zelensky's plan of victory, but a plan to bring misfortune upon Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. All this aims for is to keep the money flowing and present his terrorist capabilities. I think that today Zelensky definitively proved to everyone that he hates Ukrainians to the extent that can be characterized as Ukrainophobia," the spokeswoman continued.