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US Administration seeks to influence Russian court with statements on Kara-Murza - embassy

It is time for Washington elites to stop their rude systematic interference in our internal affairs and to start working on the problems back at home, the Russian embassy in Washington said
Russian political activist Vladimir Kara-Murza Moscow City Court Press Office/TASS
Russian political activist Vladimir Kara-Murza
© Moscow City Court Press Office/TASS

WASHINGTON, April 18. /TASS/. By making its "rabid statements" regarding the sentence on publicist Vladimir Kara-Murza’s case (deemed foreign agent in Russia), the US Administration seeks to influence the independent judicial system of the Russian Federation, the Russian embassy in Washington said in its commentary Monday.

"We’ve noted the rabid statements made by the US Administration regarding the allegedly politically motivated ruling of the Russian court that sentenced Kara-Murza to 25 years in prison. Such statements are a blatant attempt to influence the independent judicial system of the Russian Federation," the embassy said.

"We would like to ask, what verdict would the local Themis come up with, should a US citizen be found guilty of treason, i.e. betrayal of one’s homeland? What reaction would follow if an American would walk, as if to his workplace, to a foreign parliament, speaking allegations against the leadership of his own country and actively participating in development of sanctions?" the embassy added.

According to the Russian diplomatic mission, "the selectivity of the US’ actions is so obvious that even US media note it."

"It is time for Washington elites to stop their rude systematic interference in our internal affairs and to start working on the problems back at home," the Russian diplomatic mission added.

The sentence

On Monday, the Moscow City Court sentenced Kara-Murza to 25 years in prison and a fine of 400,000 rubles, prohibition to work as a journalist for 7 years and restriction of freedom after release for 6 months. According to the court ruling, he was found guilty of public dissemination of knowingly false information about use of Russian Armed Forces, participation in a foreign or international non-governmental organization deemed undesirable in Russia, and treason.