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Lawmaker says strikes on Ukraine showed Russia doesn’t need to use nukes

Mikhail Sheremet also said that it’s impossible to "negotiate" with terrorists, and it’s necessary to take them out

MOSCOW, October 13. /TASS/. Mikhail Sheremet, a member of the State Duma, on Thursday said the recent strikes on Ukraine’s critical infrastructure showed Russia doesn’t need to use nuclear weapons to ensure its security.

"A full-blown response [to Ukraine] is yet to come. Now, it's ongoing. It’s systemic work that will take more than one day. And if our adversaries provoked us to use nuclear weapons, then Russia has demonstrated to everyone that it has serious trump cards in its hand and there is absolutely no need to use nuclear weapons in order to resolve issues related to ensuring the security of its territory and citizens," the lawmaker said at a roundtable discussion dedicated to the massive strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure.

Sheremet also said that it’s impossible to "negotiate" with terrorists, and it’s necessary to take them out.

"Given the damage that they cause to [our] infrastructure, and [the harm] to the lives and well-being of our citizens, they must only be eliminated," he insisted.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said at an urgent Security Council meeting on Monday that a massive strike had been inflicted on Ukrainian energy, military command and communications facilities and warned Kiev that if Ukraine tried to continue terrorist attacks in Russia, they would be met with a harsh response.