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Uniper calls US pressure on Nord Stream 2 interference in European sovereignty

One of the European participants in the Nord Stream 2 project, Uniper, is in contact with official agencies about pressure from the United States

BERLIN, July 30. /TASS/. One of the European participants in the Nord Stream 2 project, Uniper, is in contact with official agencies about pressure from the United States and considers sanctions to interfere in European sovereignty, the company’s representative told TASS.

"Uniper is currently exchanging information with important government agencies regarding updated regulation of the Department of State," the company said. No details were given, citing the confidentiality of the negotiations.

"Uniper regrets that the United States ... continues to try to stop an important infrastructure project, which, in our opinion, is important for the energy security of Europe. This is a clear interference with European sovereignty," the company said.

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said earlier that the European Union firmly opposes unilateral sanctions and threats of sanctions by the United States, as they affect the interests of European companies, including Nord Stream 2 and Turkstream gas pipelines. Such measures go against international law.

The Nord Stream 2 project includes construction of two lines of a gas pipeline with a total capacity of 55 bln cubic meters per year from the Russian coast through the Baltic Sea to Germany. At the moment, the project is 93% complete. The halt in the project was due to the fact that in December 2019, due to US sanctions, Swiss company Allseas stopped work on the pipeline’s construction.