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Activity of enemy recon team thwarted by Russian forces near Zaporozhye

Artillery of the Vostok group destroyed enemy tanks, armored vehicles and towed howitzers, and an attack drone destroyed a Ukrainian armored recovery vehicle near Pyatikhatky, Oleg Chekhov, spokesman for the combat group, said

MOSCOW, July 4. /TASS/. Russia’s Battlegroup East thwarted the activity of a Ukrainian reconnaissance team and prevented an enemy attempt at reconnaissance-in-force, Battlegroup Spokesman Oleg Chekhov told TASS on Tuesday.

"In the Zaporozhye area, the activity of a Ukrainian reconnaissance team was curtailed near the locality of Marfopol, and an enemy attempt to conduct reconnaissance-in-force near Rabotino was thwarted," he said.

The group’s artillery destroyed enemy tanks, armored motor vehicles and towed howitzers, while a strike drone wiped out a Ukrainian armored repair and evacuation vehicle near Pyatikhatki, Checkhov added.