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Hamas uses talks on liberation of hostages to split Israeli government — The Times

It is reported that once the hostages are released, the sides may begin discussing concrete actions on de-escalation of the conflict

LONDON, October 25. /TASS/. The Hamas uses the negotiations on hostages to split the Israeli government, The Times says citing its sources.

According to The Times, Israeli authorities are unwilling to tie issue of liberation of hostages held in the Gaza Strip with other aspects of the conflict, while Hamas is ready to release the hostages in an attempt to restore the trust of the international community, but demands an immediate ceasefire or at least cessation of airstrikes in exchange. The newspaper notes that the situation is complicated for Israel by the fact that there is no single point of view within the Israeli government regarding further actions in Gaza; meanwhile, Western states warn about a risk of a large-scale regional war in case of a ground operation in the enclave.

One diplomat involved in the negotiations between Israel and Hamas told The Times that, once the hostages are released, the sides may begin discussing concrete actions on de-escalation of the conflict, but concessions from the Israeli authorities, such as fuel deliveries to the enclave, are off the table. The Times underscores that Hamas does not negotiate with Israel directly, and therefore the negotiations proceed with Egypt and Qatar as intermediaries.

According to the newspaper, the US and the EU are concerned that the beginning of a ground operation in Gaza will mean the end of negotiations on liberation of hostages, which include US and European citizens. In this regard, Western capitals may view gradual release of captives as a more favorable option compared to Israel’s ground operation in Gaza.