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10 Aug 2020, 20:44

Telegram founder: anti-censorship tools enabled in Belarus

Pavel Durov wrote, the connection was still very unstable as Internet was at times shut off completely in the country

MOSCOW, August 10. /TASS/. Anti-censorship tools have been enabled so that Telegram remains active in Belarus, founder of the messenger Pavel Durov tweeted on Monday.

"We enabled our anti-censorship tools in Belarus so that Telegram remained available for most users there. However, the connection is still very unstable as Internet is at times shut off completely in the country," Durov wrote.

Earlier on Monday, the management of Twitter reported attempts to block the social network operations in Belarus. Communication and Internet interruptions were reported earlier in several cities of Belarus. Large-scale problems with the mobile Internet were also observed in Belarus on Sunday. The Belarusian national center of responses to computer incidents registered a wave of DDOS attacks against state-owned Internet resources in the country on Saturday night.