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23 Apr 2020, 18:56

Most Russians feel happy, opinion poll indicates

Some 14% say that there are more unhappy than happy people around them

MOSCOW, April 23./TASS/. Most of the Russian nationals (81%) polled on April 15 feel happy to one degree or another, according to a survey carried out by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center and uploaded to its website on Thursday. The happiness index stood at 67 points, which is eight percentage points less than a year before.

"As many as 81% are happy to this or that extent, while 33% believe that there are more happy people around them. The happiness index stood at 67 points [+3 as compared with the November survey, and eight percentage points less than a year ago]. Ten years ago this index stood at 48 percentage points, while 30 years ago - a meager 17 percentage points," the report said.

The happiness index is calculated as the difference between the sum of positive and negative replies to the question "Everything happens in life, good and bad things. But speaking in general, are you happy or not?"

One third of the surveyed Russian nationals, 33%, believe that there are more happy people around them, almost half of them believe their share of happy and unhappy people is equal (46%), while 14% say that there are more unhappy than happy people around them. The social index of happiness remains at the level of half-a-year ago - 54 points.

Among the reasons for their being happy, the surveyed Russians mention their family (29%), children (14%), their own good health and the health of their loved ones (25%), decent job (11%), and good financial situation (9%). As for the reasons making them unhappy, they listed financial difficulties (11%), a bad situation in the country (8%), the lack of stability (7%). The absence of job and poor health make another four percent of Russians unhappy, the poll indicates.

The head of the comparative study lab at the Higher School of Economic, Eduard Ponarin, believes that during a major crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, happiness of the Russian people will depend on their families and children, while foreign policy will take the back seat. Their happiness "will most likely depend on very simple things - the possibility to support the family, raise the children, meet with friends. Foreign policy is likely to become secondary [it will have its role only if things in Russia will be better than in most of the countries]," Ponarin was quoted by the website as saying.

The VTsIOM-Sputnik opinion poll was carried out on April 15, 2020 and involved Russian nationals over 18 years of age. The margin of error does not exceed 2.5%