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28 Apr 2016, 08:03

First rocket launch from Russia's Far Eastern Vostochny spaceport

Soyuz-2.1a rocket with three space satellites - Lomonosov, Aist-2D, and SamSat-218 was successfully launched from Russia’s new spaceport

The Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket with three space satellites - Lomonosov, Aist-2D, and SamSat-218 was successfully launched from Russia’s new Far Eastern spaceport Vostochny at 05:01 a.m. Moscow time. The satellites and the upper stage separated from the third stage approximately nine minutes after the blastoff. It was the first launch from the Russian new space center. However the rocket was launched on the second try. It was initially scheduled to be launched in the small hours on April 27. 
