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Sanctions to spur, not stifle scientific breakthroughs in Russia — Medvedev

"In the end, this will even help in obtaining results we could not even have imagined just a short while ago," the senior Russian official noted

MOSCOW, May 28. /TASS/. Russia is "surrounded on all sides," with sanctions affecting scientists as well, but contrary to popular belief, this will help the country make scientific breakthroughs, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said at the general meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

"Yes, we have been surrounded on all sides, they are trying to make things uncomfortable for us, including for scientific research, but I am confident that all of us - the Academy of Sciences, the scientific community - will get through this unscathed," Medvedev said. "In the end, this will even help in obtaining results we could not even have imagined just a short while ago," he noted.

Medvedev asserted that Russia is working to "help scientists achieve breakthrough results for the greater good of the country, for the beloved Motherland."

He thinks that "the restrictions facilitate creativity, as strange as it sounds." "So our task is to ensure our country’s absolute leadership in all areas, including science," he noted.