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Beijing invites other countries to join Chinese-Russian lunar station project — official

"We support Russia’s initiative in this regard," China National Space Administration chief Zhang Kejian said

MOSCOW, May 23. /TASS/. Beijing calls for expanding international cooperation in moon exploration and invites other countries to join the Chinese-Russian lunar station project, China National Space Administration chief Zhang Kejian said.

"We would like to expand cooperation in lunar exploration. We invite all countries to take part in the creation of a lunar station, which is a project we are working on together with Russia. Using near space should be safe in the long term. We support Russia’s initiative in this regard," he pointed out at a Moscow meeting of space agency chiefs from BRICS countries.

According to Zhang, China would also like to facilitate the development of the BRICS satellite constellation at a higher level, expand its resources and boost cooperation with other countries in this field.
